Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All you Cena Haters have no real reason to hate him!!!?

ok everytime i come on this website i see so many questions about ppl bashing cena all the time. There are always 2 things that ppl say that they hate about him:

#1) Cena cant fight and he always wins with his 5 moves. now thats the stupidest reason i've heard, cuz every wwe wrestler have there own set of moves that they use each match. so if you're gonna hate cena for repetitive moves, then why not hate orton, undertaker, edge, batista, michaels and list goes on and on.

#2) All of you also say that you hate cena cuz hes been champion for wayy too long and wwe made him like a superman character where he wins all the time. againn this reason doesnt make sense, we all know wrestling is scripted so wats the point in hating him where he doesnt have control over that situation. the writers are making cena win, blame them why blame him?? and cena is still the champ for so long because he appeals to most of the audience (young kids, girls and even young adults)

All you Cena Haters have no real reason to hate him!!!?
OK. Here is the answer of why everyone hates Cena. He is the champion of the Raw brand. He has been champ for most of the year and a half, give or take a month or two for edge or someone, but he always gets it back. Lets look into this.

Remember when JBL had his run back when he still was wrestling? it was because VINCE wanted him to have the title. JBL was the golden boy. everyone hated him, and VINCE loved him as the champ. Same for Cena.

The ladies love him because they all think he is hot. Guys hate him because they know he can't really hold a candle to the Greats of the past, Austin, Rock, HHH(waiting for him to get back), Taker, the list goes on.

Your opinion may be based on how he looks, or how he wrestles, or maybe you wasted 10 bux on a ticket and could have waited to download it from the Net. Either way, he can't salute worth a damn, and he will stay champ until VINCE wants him to drop it.
Reply:i still dislike him.....
Reply:first edge,taker,orton,micheal and hell bastista have more then five moves. also his five moves suck he has a firemans carry,stf,a shoulder block that everyone does and droping his fist into a person face ya i can only think of four moves

2. if we show are hate for cena then the writers will obviouly know we don't like cena and get rid of him
Reply:If Cena wins all the time it becomes boring and repetitive but If he was chasing a heel champion the audience would be more interested in the outcome like the Rock/HHH feud in 2000 where the championship changed several times between the two.
Reply:People are going to hate Cena no matter what you say.
Reply:1.he has no "wrestling" ability, those others that you listed do

2.the key to what you said is YOUNG he dosenot have support from the true wrestling fans, the ones that have been around for years before cena showed up, and have you noticed that he doesnot always get cheered he gets mor reentmant boos than any other face champions that comes to mind
Reply:It isn't so much that I hate Cena, but he is repetitive.

Give him a break or give him a heel turn after Triple H comes back will be all that I need to think of him as a decent wrestler
Reply:I don't hate the guy but sometimes its gets out of hand when he's always winning and some guys he beat I wanted those guys to win.
Reply:i like him!! he's a great wrestler and i like his moves. i tottaly agree with you!! this is my opinion and always will be. *cena 4ever* .
Reply:i got to say i like cena but i hate that hes got that superman charter as being undefeatable and i miss how he use to talk bad about his opponents in his freestyles. for cena hater why do you boo him but as soon as he wins you cheer and jump for joy.
Reply:i don't know y pplz say that like john cena is the best wrestler alive and he is the hottest

john cena = the best wrestler

john cena = hot

john cena = champ

john cena = 100% best

the champ is still here

john cena rox
Reply:I'm just sick of him being champion and him being a face in the progress. Faces always get their as#ses kicked by heels so they don't have as much fun as heels. Cena always gets his as# kicked and I've been seeing him stay champion ever since August of 2005 and I've wanted him to lose the whole time.
Reply:Well... He doesn't only do 5 moves, that's for sure. And he does appeal to all audiences. I am just a little tired of him because he's been champion for so long. I heard on that Randy Orton is gonna take the title away from him at Summerslam. I hope not because I like John Cena A LOT more than Randy Orton. He's a jerk. Read this and tell me what you think of RKO.

Anyway, I agree with you!!
Reply:Yes we do I do anyways. I have to admit it though he is the toughest superstar in the wwe. But that's his character and not only that he is getting this attention becuase of his rap-hiphop personality and that's popular and same with the spinner belt (which is the best idea for a belt) and that's it. But think about this to if he wasn't champion people would cheer for him but it would be hard to have good matches and trust me the belt makes cena what he is today regardless what you cena fans think.
Reply:How does a man that gets his *** handed to him by Khali some how mystically FU him and it's over? because Cena can't fight fair and lose the belt so he FUs a guy off a truck!After every match Khali pinned him 1,2,3! But one time he gets God powers and slams him for a win? That is GAY!!!!!
Reply:every cena match ends is a stupid way
Reply:#1) Cena is not a good wrestler, I can tell that half of the moves he does is fake. and if u check on SVR2007 on his moveset, over 10 of his moves are headlocks, which i find quite sad, 4 of um are his back drop and then u got his finishers and clotheslines and such

#2) We don't want to see the same champion for almost a year, we want more variety to champions, and we are so tired of the fact that he "over coimes the odds" and yes the scriptwriters make it like this, but he's the 1 that goes on with it, i mean it's not like he doesn't want to throw away the belt

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