Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Confusing dream...interperet please?

I had this dream that my older sister was getting married[she's only 16], but her fiancee left her at the alter. So she married some random guy from the audience. My younger sister and I were mad at her, so we left her wedding early and went to the mall. Then I saw this guy from my math class at the mall and he came up and kissed me. And then he held my hand. Then my younger sister and I went back to the wedding for the party with the kid from my math class. Then I was looking out at this pond while everyone was having a good time. I was watching the sunset and I felt a little sad. Then I looked in the water and all of these platypuses started crawling out of the pond. And then they were slapping my legs with their tails.

And the dream ended. What does it mean? it was really weird. I kind of felt sad throughout the dream.

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