Saturday, April 17, 2010

What do you think about hollywood altering history through movies to portray homosexuals as "Evil and Deformed

In Alexander, Hollywood was fine with the homosexuality. It was not until after the movie that homophobic people started complaining about it.

Now recently, 300 came out. Xerxes is basically a Freak Show. An uber-giant homosexual. Some would say that it is just a coincidence the only homosexual in the entire movie is a complete freak, but the director agrees he purposely did this.


The director says that the film’s (homo)sexual undertones were intended to make young straight males in the audience uncomfortable, because “What’s more scary to a 20-year-old boy than a giant god-king who wants to have his way with you?”

No doubt, Snyder’s homophobic comment will pass largely unnoticed by the mainstream press, but imagine if he had made his villain a hulking black man and said he’d done so because nothing scares white women like a giant black god-king who wants to have his way with you.


What do you think about hollywood altering history through movies to portray homosexuals as "Evil and Deformed
Although it is true the director was and is a moron and you do make an excellent point regarding: what if it was a giant black man, I personally find it funny that not one person, at least not of any standing has pointed out that the majority of the Spartan army was homosexual. Of course why let the truth get in the way of being a bigot right?

I also note some here bringing up Brokeback Mountain, as if this film should placate us or make us feel thankful that one film out God knows how many, was somewhat positive in it's portrayal. I say this with all certainty, I cannot understand how small some heterosexuals minds are, it truly amazes me they can even walk, talk or even conceive a thought.
Reply:It is a effin movie get over it......if i wanted real life I would get it when I want a good story I will watch a movie.
Reply:I agree with you.
Reply:What about Brokeback Mt.? Dont be so sensitive!
Reply:on the other hand what's more exciting than an uber-giant!?

well... be you boy or girl, man or woman, one who will have his way with you, silly!
Reply:I dont think Hollywood alters anything - they just present a lot of alternative ideas. It is up to us to decide whether it changes anything. I think that is what made Brokeback a popular movie. It presented two guys having a gay experience in a non threatening way but did it carefully so that it was thought provoking rather than porn.
Reply:i agree completely, hollywood it trying to make money from a lager base of people in the move 300 trying to grab the religious fundamentalist that make up more than 51% of america. and they are laughing there way to the bank, even though I lived the movie 300 except for the degregation of Gay's which wasn't needed to sell the movie, plus they left out very important parts of history like when the boys were taken at a young age they were partnered with other boys and encourage to have a relationship with them which included sex.
Reply:Please spare us. Italians have been played as thugs, low life ignorant gumbas who break kneecap's to get what they want.

Where's the outrage?
Reply:Tend to your own garden.

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