Thursday, November 19, 2009

What do you think is the most overrated television show ever?I know its polls and surveys but I like you all!?

I pray I do not insult any people but I never got the whole FREINDS thing,maybe I am just jealous I can't be rich and drink coffee all day or maybe seriously it was geared to a younger audience!

What do you think is the most overrated television show ever?I know its polls and surveys but I like you all!?
okay I'll probably have to turn in my nerd license for this but I never got Classic Star Trek. With Captin Kirk overacting and the cheesy FX.
Reply:William Shatner is brilliant in Boston Legal, luckily he doesn't sing in it. Report It

Reply:Can't understand the fuss over Desparate Housewives...I've tried to watch it and just can't get into it.
Reply:the show 24...seems pretty typical to me and predictable
Reply:it has to be big brother
Reply:All of them have been over-rated.
Reply:I have to go along with you on the Friends show. I also never watched a Seinfeld episode until it was in syndication.
Reply:i agree with anitababy
Reply:The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park spring to mind. (Sorry - I know you only asked for one.)
Reply:Oprah! - Angel Network got 20million during the Food and Rescue after the Flood in USA.

but last years best 'Anim' show was FullMetal Alchemist (i dont know why, i dont like it either.) told me, i dont watch animax either, but all the more info, the better P%26amp;S.
Reply:Once upon a time I would have said 20/20, a news magazine show that never ran a story without spinning it to conform to some political agenda. That's been replaced, however, by any of the "reality" shows. That contestants would subject themselves to that kind of humiliation would surrender their dignity for money, on national television is embarrassing to the entire nation.

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