Saturday, November 14, 2009

MTV targets younger audience?

Is it just me or does it feel like MTV targets the under 16 crowd more than the crowd that can actually buy their bands CD's and concert tickets (without having to ask mom and dad for the money)? With shows like "my own",and "my super sweet sixteen" I feel like MTV has become very disappointing.

MTV targets younger audience?
MTV has been dissapointing for years now. Wheres the music even? I guess I am old or something because I can remember when Music Television actually played MUSIC! Yea, the shows are very lame most of time and it sad. But apparently by marketing to that crowd, they are making a profit somehow.
Reply:Hey, us old people remember when MTV was nothing but music videos. There were none of these shows targeting anyone, just music. It used to be awesome, now it sucks. It's like watching one long commercial for clothes and cell phones.
Reply:they always have.... probably 13-17 years old.
Reply:ya.. i guess

dental school

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