Saturday, November 14, 2009

Who else was irritated by the new Nancy Drew movie trailer?

I was looking forward to an updated film adaptation of the Nancy Drew novels until I saw the trailer.

They're making them into a parody of the entire series! The film shows her as an overachieving perfectionist goody-goody. (OK-I can see that, but it looked like they went a bit too overboard with it.) They also made her character too young in comparison with the original novels (she's 15 in the movie, while she's about 17-18 in the books).

At that point I was willing to deal with both of those plot changes. I could see the humor in poking fun at Nancy's perfection,%26amp; I could see the studio changing the age to appeal to a younger audience as well. Then they showed the ghost. I really hope that it ends up being a "gimmick" that the criminal of the movie uses to scare people ala Scooby Doo.

Maybe I'm just being too defensive, but it just seemed like they tore the original Nancy Drew to pieces. Anyone else feel this way about the movie, or other books turned into movies?

Who else was irritated by the new Nancy Drew movie trailer?
Almost all the books turned into movies are drastically changed. Such as Eragon. Of all the books I have read that have been made into movies, only a very few have stayed true to the book.

The Nancy Drew movie doesn't look at all like the books I read as a kid and that my kids read.
Reply:I am completely irritated by the movie. I don't even know if there is a mystery in it from the previews. Maybe how I broke a nail. It seems like it is a preppy movie and nothing like the books. love reading the books but I am not going to see the movie. I agree with the other answers. Why can't people make movies with people who are around the same age and look kinda of the same. I think the same for the Golden Compass. I absolutely love the book but the movie looks like a whole complete different thing. Same with Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood. I can see why they want to make her pretty so she would be appealing, but it then makes a whole different story in my opinion because people are going to wonder why know one likes her because she is so pretty. I think it is all right to change somethings but not the whole plot.
Reply:i know. it would be better if they got people who look like the characters in the book to play them in the movie.
Reply:They are making her way too nerdy. Nancy was maybe never the coolest girl, but she was smart and down to earth. Based on what I have seen of the trailer, this is one movie I'll wait for it to go to the $1 theater. Although, it would be a shame to see this franchise not become a series of movies..
Reply:totally agree with dani k.... and yes i hate it when they do that, the most accurateness i've seen from books being turned to movies is harry potter, but yes they shouldn't make luna that way seriously,,,
Reply:Though I am tempted to see the movie, I do agree. In the books she is able to drive, and yet in the movie she is only 15. They also make her too much of a goody goody miss perfect oldfashioned misfit.
Reply:it looks really retarded

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