Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why are liberals ignorant?

Knowledgeable News Audiences

News audiences vary widely in age, education, and how much they know about what's going on in the nation and the world. Most regular consumers of news are better informed, better educated, and older than the average American. But the audiences for some news sources stand out in this respect.

Judged by their answers to news knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, the O'Reilly Factor, news magazines, and online news sources.

Audiences with the highest educational achievement, by far, are the literary magazines and online news outlets. Readers of news magazines, political magazines and business magazines, listeners of Rush Limbaugh and NPR,

Some of these attentive and educated audiences also are older than average. The oldest audiences belong to the NewsHour (60% age 50 or older), the O'Reilly Factor (58%), Larry King Live (56%), network nightly news (54%), and Sunday morning talk shows (52%). The youngest audience ¬ though also one of the most knowledgeable ¬ belongs to the Daily Show, where just 23% are age 50 or older and 33% are under age 30.

After growing modestly between 2000 and 2004, the attentive audience for political, international, and business news ¬ commonly referred to as "hard news" ¬ is somewhat smaller in 2006. Currently, 27% of the public follows each of four kinds of stories, including news about political figures and events in Washington, international affairs, business and finance, and local government. Two years ago, this hard news audience accounted for 31% of the public. The decline was greater among Republicans (now 29%, down from 38% in 2004) than among other groups. Republicans and Democrats (28%) now exhibit similar enthusiasm for hard news.

The hard news audience is better educated and older than the average, though even among people with four year college degrees, fewer than a majority (39%) fall into this category. More men than women (32% vs. 22%) are hard news enthusiasts. There is no significant racial difference on this measure.

Why are liberals ignorant?
"Judged by their answers to news knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, the O'Reilly Factor, news magazines, and online news sources."....this was not in the article, so you did not prove that these people are more educated, trying to hide your opinion/slant between facts does not make it truth...a habit you most assuredly learned from the "intelligent" news outlets you obviously frequent.

I, however, avoid those as obvious bias mixed with news makes me nauseous.
Reply:Oh my. You seriously NEED to consider things like this before you say them. First of all there are still way more Republicans than Democrats. Also how do you know that the declining Republican party is not turning independent. There are many more parties besides Republican and Democrat. Also you are only considering the news shows that tend to be more leaned to the right. You are telling us that yes more Republicans watch Republican oriented news shows. Did you mention ANY of the Liberal based HARD news (as you call it) shows ... NO! All you mentioned is ONE comedic show that Liberals tend to watch because it insults the Republicans. Also you call the O' Riley Factor HARD news... give me a break! If you could realize this most college students are liberal! More liberal people are going to college. Maybe Liberals do not follow the point of view of the of news stories you follow but Liberals are very up to par with the news around the globe. How dare you call me ignorant!
Reply:The people that you cited as being the most knowledgeable are from the baby boom generation. The baby boomers were more political active than any other generation before or since them. Most today just simply doesn't care what happens in the world.
Reply:Ignorant is questionable but they are without a doubt gullible. They believe everything their lieberal leaders tell them without question. If that's ignorant then lord only knows why.
Reply:Most media people and most educators are by definition liberals. They research the news, present the news, write editorials about news events and teach. So how are they ignorant.
Reply:Ignorance is bliss...suppose that's why all the conservatives I know are so happy!!!
Reply:You mean you now can not only report fake news that makes you feel like a winner when the world thinks you're pathetic, but you create fake polls, too? You guys are geniuses!

We "libtards" are doomed. DOOMED I tell ya...

See ya at the hearings, buddy. But you night have to tune in to CSPAN...
Reply:You really should check out Democracy Now FSTV 9415 for solid investiagtive journalism and get off the hypnotized trash of Bully O'Reilly, Limpbug, Maher.
Reply:Whats your point? The article just states the different age groups that watch the different types of news, how does it have anything to do with liberals? But it does say that the decline was greater in Republicans, so maybe conservatives are ignorant? And uh...Liberalism advocates free exchange of ideas and freedom of thought for individuals, yeah..them ignorant SOBs
Reply:liberals make up the most educated in America,, that's obvious,, the right-wing should spend more time in classrooms and less time in churches,,,
Reply:Maybe some day in the future Liberals will

grow up, and more importantly, wake up!!!!
Reply:Its always easier to listen to news which you agree with. Your kool-aid always taste the best.
Reply:How did you get your conclusion from that article? It did not say that at all.
Reply:From what I read from you cut and past rant, I must assume you are ignorant to the fact that the media is like a crack head whore, that will view left, center, right %26amp; anywhere in between to get you to read, watch or listen. You don't need education to understand a whore you need money to buy a whore and we do with cable, HDTY, radios, computers %26amp; many other means. You get your blood pumped up with an energy drink, tune in to Russ or Bill and all of a sudden your pissed at anyone that ain't like you. Think about it!!
Reply:You nearly had me there.

I got this far:

'Judged by their answers to news knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, the O'Reilly Factor, news magazines, and online news sources.

Audiences with the highest educational achievement, by far, are the literary magazines and online news outlets. Readers of news magazines, political magazines and business magazines, listeners of Rush Limbaugh and NPR.'

And then I realised:

Holy sh*t! What a lot of crap! Who is fooling who?

Have a nice day!
Reply:Their shoes are to small?
Reply:so many reasons. they are stupid and therefore the ignorance follows.
Reply:Rush and O'Reilly are entertainers. Most news is entertainment and not really news. Unless, Anna Nicole Smith's life is really relevant news. Enthusiasm for hard news! That is just plain stupid. You can't get hard news. Media, the news, is a business and they are there to make money first and inform the public second. That is why crap like Anna Nicole make the news. Why are conservatives so damn evil? And if you are getting your news from Rush and Bill, then I'd say you are the ignorant one.
Reply:Why do you hate America?
Reply:Liberals think with their hearts, Conservatives think with their heads.

Someone once said anyone who isn't a Democrat a 18 is heart-less. Someone who isn't a Republican by 30 is brainless.
Reply:comes with being stupid
Reply:The majority of professors, graduate students and researchers are liberal. So while getting your four year degree is basically spending that time learning what Liberals have to teach you. So we can't be that ignorant. Plus I even find NPR more informative and accurate compared to the news sources that you listed.
Reply:Over-exposure to Rush and Hannity?
Reply:It must be all that gummint cheez n' crack I dun did.
Reply:Extreme FAUX NEWS exposure.
Reply:Everyone is born as a liberal. Lots of us turner conservative when we learned to think. In my case age 2.
Reply:Like Liberals pretending that Bush is not a liberal?

Like Liberals not supporting Guiliani even though Guiliani had perform gay sex with his gay friends?

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